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// Script to embed Coordinate template generation in MediaWiki's edit page

// globals
var wpSummary = null;
var optionalBox = null;
var optionalBoxLabel = null;
var optionalNumber = null;
var lat,lon;

// configuration
cohel_config = {
 data : {
  listRegions : [ 'US','DE','US-CA' ],
  nbsp        : false,
  template    : 0,
  region      : 0 

 prefix : 'cohel_',

 restore : function() {
  var name;
  var pos;

   var cookies = document.cookie.split('; ');
   for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++)
    // gehoert der Keks uns?
    if( cookies[i].substr(0,this.prefix.length) == this.prefix )
     pos = cookies[i].indexOf('=');
     name = cookies[i].substring(this.prefix.length, pos);

     // nur existierende felder wiederherstellen!
     if( typeof(this.data[name]) != 'undefined' )
      // skalar
      if( cookies[i].substr(pos+1,2) == 'V:' ) 
       this.data[name] = cookies[i].substr(pos+3);

      // array
      if( cookies[i].substr(pos+1,2) == 'A:' ) 
       this.data[name] = cookies[i].substr(pos+3).split('+');

      // boolean
      if( cookies[i].substr(pos+1,2) == 'B:' ) 
       if( cookies[i].substr(pos+3) > 0 ) 
        this.data[name] = true;
        this.data[name] = false;
   } //endfor
  } //endif_cookie

 save : function() {
  var today = new Date();
  var nextyear = new Date( today.getTime() + 30758400000 );
  var params = '; expires=' + nextyear.toGMTString() + '; path=/';

  for (var key in this.data) 
   if( ( typeof(this.data[key]) == 'object' ) && ( this.data[key].length > 0 ) )
    // join geht nicht, weil ich uriencoden will
    var dummy = encodeURIComponent( this.data[key][0] );
    for (var i = 1; i < this.data[key].length; i++)
     dummy += '+' + encodeURIComponent( this.data[key][i] );
     document.cookie = this.prefix + key + '=' + 'A:' + dummy + params;
   else if( typeof(this.data[key]) == 'boolean' )
     document.cookie = this.prefix + key + '=' + 'B:1' + params;
     document.cookie = this.prefix + key + '=' + 'B:0' + params;
    document.cookie = this.prefix + key + '=' + 'V:' + encodeURIComponent(this.data[key]) + params;

  return true;


var listTemplates = new Array( 'Koordinate_Artikel' );
var listRegions = new Array( 'US','DE','US-CA' );
var listTypes = new Array( 'landmark', 'city', 'mountain', 'waterbody', 'isle', 'airport', 'country', 'state', 'adm1st', 'adm2nd' );

var typeSelect = null;
var regionSelect = null;
var editbox = null;
var coordinatebox = null;

// Insert the coordinate Form into the edit box.
function coordinatesInstall()
 var i=0;
 var copywarn = document.getElementById('editpage-copywarn');
 if (copywarn != null) {
  var cleaner = "<br style=\\'clear:both;\\' />";
  CoordinatesHTML =  '<div style="border: 1px solid gray; padding: 3px; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom:2px;" >'
  CoordinatesHTML += '<input type="button" value="Coordinate einfügen" onclick="interpretCoordinates();" /> ';
  CoordinatesHTML += '<input type="text" size="80" id="CoordinateBox" onfocus="showDetails()" />';
  CoordinatesHTML += '<div id="CoordinateDetails" style="margin-top: 2px; position: relative"><a href="#" onclick="hideDetails()" style="position:absolute; bottom:3px; right:3px; font-size:50%">schlie&szlig;en</a>';
  CoordinatesHTML += 'Region:<select title="Region" id="CoordinateRegion"><option value="">-</option>';
  for (i=0; i<listRegions.length; ++i) {
   CoordinatesHTML += '<option value="'+listRegions[i]+'">'+listRegions[i]+'</option>';
  CoordinatesHTML += '</select> Typ:<select onchange="toggleOptional()" title="Typ (bitte angeben)" id="CoordinateType">';
  for (i=0; i<listTypes.length; ++i) {
   CoordinatesHTML += '<option value="'+listTypes[i]+'">'+listTypes[i]+'</option>';
  CoordinatesHTML += '</select> <span id="CoordinateBoxOptional" style="visibility: hidden"><span id="CoordinateBoxOptionalLabel"></span><input type="text" size="9" id="CoordinateNumber" /></span></div></div>';
  copywarn.innerHTML = CoordinatesHTML + copywarn.innerHTML;
  wpSummary = document.getElementById('wpSummary');
  optionalBox = document.getElementById('CoordinateBoxOptional');
  optionalBoxLabel = document.getElementById('CoordinateBoxOptionalLabel');
  optionalNumber = document.getElementById('CoordinateNumber');
  detailBox = document.getElementById('CoordinateDetails');

  typeSelect = document.getElementById('CoordinateType');
  regionSelect = document.getElementById('CoordinateRegion');


  editbox = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  coordinatebox = document.getElementById('CoordinateBox');
  // suche nach boilerplate text: Koordinaten 38,18° Nord, 122,26° West
  var boilerplate_filter = /Koordinaten.* ([^°]+)° (Nord|Süd), ([^°]+)° (West|Ost)/;
  var result;
  if( result = boilerplate_filter.exec(editbox.value) )
   lat = result[1].replace(/,/, ".");
   if( result[2] == 'Süd' ) lat*=-1;
   lon = result[3].replace(/,/, ".");
   if( result[4] == 'West' ) lon*=-1;
   coordinatebox.value = 'boilerplate:'+lat+','+lon;
  boilerplate_filter = / ([0-9.,]+) Einwohner/;
  if( result = boilerplate_filter.exec(editbox.value) )
   optionalNumber.value = result[1].replace(/[,\.]/, "");
   typeSelect.selectedIndex = 1;
  if( editbox.value.indexOf('[[Kategorie:Ort in Kalifornien]]') > -1 )
   regionSelect.selectedIndex = 3;

function toggleOptional()

 if(typeSelect.value == 'city')
 if(typeSelect.value == 'mountain')
  optionalBoxLabel.innerHTML='H&ouml;he (in Metern &uuml;ber Normalnull):';

function hideDetails()
 return false;
function showDetails()

// Hook up installation function

// Coordinate interpretation
function interpretCoordinates()
 var coordinate1 = coordinatebox.value;
 var coordinate2 = '';
 var from_ll, result;
 var coord_filter = /http:\/\/www\.google\.([a-zA-Z]+)\/maps/;
 var latlon = new Array;
 // magic!
 if(coordinate1.substr(0,19)=='http://maps.google.' || coord_filter.test(coordinate1) )
  from_ll = coordinate1.substr(coordinate1.indexOf("ll=")+3);
  var ampers = from_ll.indexOf('&');
   latlon = from_ll.split(",");
   latlon = (from_ll.substr(0,ampers)).split(",");
  latlon = from_ll.split(",");

 // gefundene boilerplate daten
 if( coordinate1.substr(0,12) == 'boilerplate:' )
  from_ll = coordinate1.substr(12);
  latlon = from_ll.split(",");

 //31°46'14.44"N ; 35°14'5.88"E
 coord_filter = /([\d.,]+)°\s*([\d.,]+)['`]\s*([\d.,]+)"\s*([nNsS])\s*[;,]\s*([\d.,]+)°\s*([\d.,]+)['`]\s*([\d.,]+)"\s*([eOwWeE])/;
 if( result = coord_filter.exec(coordinate1 ) )
  latlon[0] = result[1]*1.0 + result[2]/60.0 + result[3]/3600.0;
  if( result[4]=='s' || result[4]=='S' ) latlon[0] *= -1.0;
  latlon[1] = result[5]*1.0 + result[6]/60.0 + result[7]/3600.0;
  if( result[8]=='w' || result[8]=='W' ) latlon[1] *= -1.0;

 // N 54 20' 56" E 9 13' 2"
 coord_filter = /\s*([NnSs])\s+([\d.,]+)\s+([\d.,]+)['`]\s*([\d.,]+)"\s+([eOwWeE])\s+([\d.,]+)\s+([\d.,]+)['`]\s+([\d.,]+)"\s*/;
 if( result = coord_filter.exec(coordinate1 ) )
  latlon[0] = result[2]*1.0 + result[3]/60.0 + result[4]/3600.0;
  if( result[1]=='s' || result[1]=='S' ) latlon[0] *= -1.0;
  latlon[1] = result[6]*1.0 + result[7]/60.0 + result[8]/3600.0;
  if( result[5]=='w' || result[5]=='W' ) latlon[1] *= -1.0;
 var mark_ns = 'N';
 var mark_ew = 'E';
 var mark_ew_d = 'O';

 lat = latlon[0];
 lon = latlon[1];

 if(lat<0) { lat*=-1; mark_ns='S'; }
 if(lon<0) { lon*=-1; mark_ew='W'; mark_ew_d='W';}

 var lat_m = (( lat - Math.floor(lat) ) * 60.0).toPrecision(10);
 var lon_m = (( lon - Math.floor(lon) ) * 60.0).toPrecision(10);

 var lat_s = ( lat_m - Math.floor(lat_m) ) * 60.0;
 var lon_s = ( lon_m - Math.floor(lon_m) ) * 60.0;

 coordinate2 = '\n{{Coordinate|NS=' + Math.floor(lat) + '/' + Math.floor(lat_m) + '/' + lat_s.toPrecision(5) + '/' + mark_ns + '|EW=' + Math.floor(lon) + '/' + Math.floor(lon_m) + '/' + lon_s.toPrecision(5) + '/' + mark_ew + '|type=' + typeSelect.value;

 if( typeSelect.value=='city' && optionalNumber.value!='' )
  coordinate2 += '|pop=' + optionalNumber.value;

 if( typeSelect.value=='mountain' && optionalNumber.value!='' )
  coordinate2 += '|elevation=' + optionalNumber.value;

 if( regionSelect.value!='' )
  coordinate2 += '|region=' + regionSelect.value;

 coordinate2 += '}}\n';

 var editbox_content = editbox.value.replace(/\{\{Koordinate[\s_]Artikel.*\}\}/, "");
 editbox_content = editbox_content.replace(/\{\{Coordinate.*\}\}/, "");
 editbox.value = editbox_content + coordinate2;

 if( wpSummary.value == "" ) wpSummary.value="+Koord mit [[Benutzer:Dschwen/Koordinatenhelferlein]]";
